This isn’t exactly a short-term thing and while Sony won’t make new PS4s forever, it currently doesn’t have a plan for when it will stop. The PS4 is one of Sony’s best-selling consoles to date. In addition to being one of the best-selling consoles period. So there’s no reason for Sony to stop making them while it can still turn a profit. Though, it will eventually transition to manufacturing PS5s only. Just, not as soon as some might have thought.

Sony will continue to put out PS4 stock through this year

According to a Sony spokesperson, the company will continue to manufacture PS4s throughout 2022. Based on the report, Sony aims to shoot for manufacturing one million more PS4 consoles this year. Having said that, you might also be hard-pressed to find a PS4. At least for the time being. While Sony confirms it plans to release more stock of it, most of the major online retailers don’t seem to have any at the moment. GameStop is much the same. Offering nothing but refurbished models both with just the console and in bundles with games. This probably means that Sony just hasn’t finished production of more new PS4 units at the moment. But it still poses the issue to would-be buyers that there are no new PlayStation consoles to be had. At least for now. The potential good news is that the PS4 doesn’t cost as much to make as the PS5 and the tech inside is easier to come by. And that could lead to faster turnarounds of new stock to help with the PS5 shortage for the time being.