It can hold up to eight weeks of dirt and debris

The best part about this auto-empty dustbin is that it can hold up to eight weeks of dirt and other debris. Meaning that you won’t need to remember to empty the dustbin after every cleaning cycle. Which is something that a lot of us forget to do quite often. The way it works is, the dustbin will suck out all of the dirt through the intake, and into another set of filters, then into the dust bag in the dock. It’s not perfect, from what we’ve found, so you may still need to check out the dustbin inside the S7 every once in a while. Once the bag is full, you can remove it by sliding the door closed on the bag to keep all of the allergens inside, and throw it away. It’s quite simple, and this technique is great for those that have allergies. We have been using the Auto-Empty Dustbin from Roborock for well over a month, and it is fantastic. And seems to work better than any other model on the market. The best part about it, is it will work with all future Roborock robot vacuums too. So you won’t need to buy one with each vacuum, like some other companies force you to do.