But, the company, seemingly because of the backlash, has back-peddled on this move. Google is starting to let companies use their own billing systems via its User Choice Billing program.

Google’s User Choice Billing it making its way to more markets

Right now, Google is User Choice Billing includes developers for non-gaming apps, but that could change down the road. This is good news for developers, but there are a few rules that they need to follow if they want to use their systems.

The rules

For starters, the developer needs to comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS). Next, Google’s payment system needs to be an option along with their own payment system. The developers must provide customer support for people who use their system. Lastly, the developer is required to have a system to dispute unauthorized transactions.

What countries are involved?

Google’s User Choice Billing has been going on for a few months, but now it’s expanding to more markets. The program is expanding to The European Economic Area, Japan, India, Australia, and Indonesia. Sadly, folks in the US will need to wait for this. As time goes on, we expect this to make its way to even more markets. Hopefully, popular platforms will be able to bring their systems back to the Play Store. Not everyone wants to go to a separate site just to pay their subscription bill or buy a product.