But before we get to the new titles, a more important detail is worth reiterating. If you missed it from previous weeks, NVIDIA now offers monthly subscriptions to the RTX 3080 tier of GeForce NOW. Which means you can stream games with the best possible quality without having to pay for six months up front. You still save more by going for the six-month subscription. But the difference isn’t huge, and you may find it easier to pay for the RTX 3080 tier by going month-to-month. And trust us, the RTX 3080 tier is definitely worth it if you can swing the monthly payment.

Dread Hunger headlines this weeks’ GeForce NOW releases

This week isn’t packed with a boat load of titles like some weeks. But there’s still some hits to dive into. Dread Hunger leads the way as the headliner. A multiplayer survival game where eight players must guide their ship through the unforgiving arctic. All is not as it seems though. Two of the eight players are enemies who have the ability to call upon dark powers. They can then use those powers to cause trouble for the rest of the crew. And it’s your job as one of that crew to try and stop them and survive the journey. In addition to Dread Hunger, NVIDIA is also adding six more games. This includes the latest Monster Energy Supercross game, Monster Energy Supercross – The Official Videogame 5. The remaining titles being added this week are Tunic, Syberia: The World Before, Blood West, Hero’s Hour, and Hundred Days – Winemaking Simulator. All of this week’s releases are the Steam version of the games. Save for Syberia: The World Before which is both the Steam and Epic Games Store release. Also worth noting is that if you haven’t tried NVIDIA GeForce NOW yet, you can test it out with the free membership tier first. Then if you like it, it’s highly recommended to bump up to the RTX 3080 tier at some point.